Everything for measuring, recording, testing and calibrating the physical measurands pressure and temperature as well as torque, force, speed and level.
We are constantly developing our product portfolio. Find out about our latest developments and product improvements here:
Your reliable partner for high-precision industrial measurement, testing and calibration technology! We have been supplying top-quality products and customized solutions for a wide range of applications for over three decades.
Our extensive product range includes measuring, testing and calibration technology for pressure, temperature, torque and force. Thanks to state-of-the-art production techniques and a very high level of vertical integration, we offer our customers consistently outstanding quality.
From hydraulics to medical technology, from the food and beverage industry to the chemical and pharmaceutical industries - our products are used in a wide range of sectors. Our tailor-made solutions are designed to meet your specific requirements and optimize your production processes.
At DRUCK & TEMPERATUR Leitenberger GmbH, innovation and customer satisfaction are our top priorities. Our dedicated team of experts is always on hand to help you choose the best solutions and provide you with the first-class service you deserve.
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