
Automotive test equipment LEITENBERGER GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 33
D-72138 Kirchentellinsfurt

Phone: 0 71 21 - 9 08 - 1 01
Fax: 0 71 21 - 9 08 - 2 00


Managing directors: Achim Leitenberger, Gernot Coulon
Commercial register: AG Stuttgart HRB 380 953
Registered office of the company: Kirchentellinsfurt
VAT number: DE 146 886 748

LEITENBERGER Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 32-33
D-72138 Kirchentellinsfurt

Telephone: 0 71 21 - 9 08 - 100
Fax: 0 71 21 - 9 08 - 200


Managing directors: Achim Leitenberger, Gernot Coulon
Commercial register: HRB 381280 Stuttgart Local Court
Registered office of the company: Kirchentellinsfurt
VAT number: DE 146 887 970

DRUCK & TEMPERATUR Leitenberger GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 33
72138 Kirchentellinsfurt

Phone: +49 (0) 7121-90920-0
Fax: +49 (0) 7121-90920-99


Managing directors: Gernot Coulon, Achim Leitenberger
Commercial register: HRB 380981 Stuttgart Local Court
Registered office of the company: Kirchentellinsfurt
Sales tax ID: DE 146887961

Design, conception and realization: 
Advertising agency mediaconcept ulm

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