Quality and variety that inspires!

Whether clerk or master car mechanic, sales manager or graduate engineer, technician, mechanic or graphic designer - the Leitenberger group of companies employs a wide variety of specialists who work hand in hand. 

Thanks to an inspiring mix of young and old, our company combines decades of experience with new impulses. Students and university graduates are in close contact with long-standing employees, some of whom have been with the company for 40 years. Together for innovative solutions that inspire.

Why us ?

  • International environment with well-known customers and exciting projects
  • Small team sizes, great team cohesion
  • Familiar cooperation with mutual appreciation
  • Diversity - international team, diverse interests, cultures and languages
  • Further development and support at an individual level
  • Company pension scheme
  • Job bike
  • Flexible working hours, flexitime and home office according to agreement and personal needs
Why a job at Leitenberger ?

Your start at Leitenberger


Have you already achieved a lot in your professional life and want to make a difference in your new job? Whether you are a passionate developer, production expert, assembly specialist or in order processing. Bring your expertise and experience to bear now and help shape the future - innovatively, securely and for the long term.

Find out more


Your studies or training are behind you. Your career is ahead of you. Show us what you can do and start your career with us. You are also welcome to join us as a career changer and shape your future together with us.

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The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Theory is at its best when you put it into practice. At Leitenberger, we offer students many opportunities to do just that: Become part of our team in the form of an internship, a working student position or a thesis.

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Have you found a suitable position and would like to apply or send us an unsolicited application? We will explain our recruiting process to you, give you tips on preparing your application documents and an overview of your start with us. We look forward to receiving your application!

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We are Leitenberger

There are many reasons for a career at Leitenberger: the dynamic, technically demanding industry of the future, the opportunity to help shape it and to contribute and develop yourself individually - discover for yourself what makes us special!

Find out more


We offer a secure working relationship and an open, trusting working atmosphere in which you feel comfortable. Short decision-making processes, a wide range of opportunities to help shape the company and varied, interesting tasks round off working at Leitenberger. We are looking for people with a passion for technology. 

Are you interested?

Then we look forward to receiving your complete application!

Apply here


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