1. human dignity

Human dignity must be respected as a fundamental prerequisite for human coexistence.

2. compliance with legal regulations

The applicable national and other relevant laws and regulations as well as the conventions of the ILO and the UN must be complied with. Of all applicable regulations, the one that is most suitable for achieving the purpose of protection shall always apply. Bribery, corruptibility and other forms of corruption are prohibited.

5. working conditions and remuneration

The nationally applicable labor law provisions must be complied with. Wages and other benefits must at least comply with the statutory regulations and/or the standards of the local manufacturing industry. Wages and other benefits must be clearly defined and paid or provided on a regular basis. The aim is to pay wages and other benefits that cover the cost of living if the statutory minimum wages are too low for this. Deductions for benefits in kind are only permitted to a small extent and only in reasonable proportion to the value of the benefit in kind. The maximum regular working hours are based on the statutory regulations. It shall not exceed 48 hours per week. The number of overtime hours shall not exceed 12 hours per week. Overtime worked must be paid separately or compensated in the form of time off.

After 6 working days in a row, an employee is entitled to a day off. More consecutive working days are only permitted if this is permitted under national law and a collective agreement.

6. prohibition of discrimination

Discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual identity, age, religion or belief, race, ethnic origin, national or social origin or disability of employees is prohibited.

7. freedom of organization and assembly

The rights of employees to form and join labor organizations and the rights to take collective action in accordance with national laws and regulations and ILO conventions must not be restricted. Employees must not be discriminated against for exercising these rights.

8. health and safety in the workplace

Safe and healthy conditions in the workplace must be guaranteed. Conditions at the workplace and in company facilities and working conditions that violate fundamental human rights are prohibited. Adolescents (young people) in particular should not be exposed to dangerous, unsafe or unhealthy conditions that jeopardize their health and development. Staff should receive regular training on health and safety in the workplace. A staff health and safety officer must be appointed from the management who is responsible for the introduction of and compliance with health and safety standards in the workplace.

9. environmental protection

The environmental and safety regulations on waste treatment, the handling of chemicals or other hazardous materials or substances must be complied with. Employees must be informed about the handling of hazardous materials and substances.

10. operational implementation

The implementation and monitoring of the aforementioned social standards must be achieved through an internal social responsibility strategy and a corresponding internal procedure. An internal reporting system must be set up for violations of these social standards; employees who make reports must not be disciplined or disadvantaged as a result.

The management

Whistleblower portal

At the Leitenberger Group, compliance with laws, internal rules and principles of conduct is a top priority. The success of the company is based on integrity and compliance. In order to live up to this claim, it is important to be informed about possible misconduct by employees and to take action against it. In the Leitenberger Group's whistleblower portal, incoming reports are treated independently and confidentially.

An important component of the whistleblower system is the principle of a fair procedure. It guarantees the greatest possible protection for whistleblowers, those affected and employees who are involved in clarifying the reported misconduct.

The Leitenberger Group also offers anonymous reporting and communication options. Furthermore, Leitenberger does not tolerate any discrimination against whistleblowers or persons who contribute to the investigation at Autotestgeräte Leitenberger. These persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Investigations are conducted in the strictest confidence.

You have the option of contacting the Leitenberger whistleblower portal via an internet-based communication platform in various languages. The system is confidential and protected.

To the whistleblower portal Autotestgeräte Leitenberger To the whistleblower portal DRUCK & TEMPERATUR Leitenberger To the Leitenberger Mess- und Regeltechnik whistleblower portal


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