- 1969 Founded in Reutlingen: The first successful products are thermometers and pressure gauges
- 1982 The various divisions are split into 3 sister companies:
- Autotestgeräte Leitenberger GmbH,
- Leitenberger Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH,
- Leitenberger Druck und Temperatur GmbH
- 1985 Relocation to Kirchentellinsfurt in the Bahnhofstraße
- 1998 Management of the company passes from Reinhold Leitenberger and Erich Coulon to Achim Leitenberger and Gernot Coulon
- 1998 Construction of the plant in Alexandroupolis
- 2013 Expansion of the production facilities and construction in Kirchentellinsfurt by approx. 1300 m² to a total of 9700 m²
- 2019 50th anniversary with 160 employees
Administration Kirchentellinsfurt, Germany:
- Office, administration, purchasing, sales
- Marketing, QA, showroom, training room
- Electronics/software development laboratory
- Development, mechanics
- Finished parts, dispatch
Plant 1 Kirchentellinsfurt, Germany:
- Quality inspection
- Production, manufacturing, assembly
- Laboratory/development
- CAD office, 3D printer
- Electronics
- PCB assembly
Plant 2 Alexandroupolis, Greece:
- Pre-assembly
- Partial assembly
- Component production
- Warehouse
Plant 3: Kirchentellinsfurt, Germany:
- Cardboard warehouse
- Packaging material warehouse
- depot
- Employee parking spaces
- Visitor parking lots
Plant 4: Kirchentellinsfurt, Germany:
- CNC foam inserts for suitcases
- Case manufacture
- Empty case and foam blank storage
- Laboratory for sensor technology (software/hardware)
- Software development and programming
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